Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) for the financial year ending 31st December 2023 by First Central Insurance Management Limited (“FCIM”) trading as 1st Central.
Organisational structure & commitment
First Central Insurance Management Limited (‘FCIM’) is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of First Central Group Limited. It provides insurance intermediary and premium finance services to its customers, and claims handling and policy administration services to its insurer. To read our full story, click here.
FCIM is committed to acting with integrity and transparency in all of its business dealings. FCIM has in place effective systems and controls to ensure that it safeguards against modern slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply chain.
Risk assessment
FCIM conducts risk assessments in respect of its business and its suppliers to identify, control and effectively manage any actual or potential risks of slavery or human trafficking within its business operations and supply chain. Each of the following are criteria that are considered:
- Strategic partners and the services they provide;
- FCIM and FCIM’s suppliers’ geographical locations;
- Operations outside of the UK/EU regulatory frameworks;
- Suppliers with a temporary or low skilled workforce; and
- Employee screenings for identity, criminal records and taking references.
- FCIM, as part of the First Central Group, undertakes enhanced supplier due diligence checks with additional data and verification, whenever appropriate. FCIM continues to invest in its own business operations to manage actual and potential risk.
In carrying out a risk-based assessment, including enhanced supply chain due diligence, FCIM has concluded that the risk of slavery or human trafficking in its business and supply chain remains extremely low.
Agreed by The Board 21st May 2024
Ben Tomasetti, Managing Director
First Central Insurance Management Ltd.