Important information

Before you buy a policy with 1st Central, you need to make sure you’re happy with the important information found below. You’ll be asked to confirm that you’ve read and understood this information at the point you purchase your policy.


The information you provide to us

When buying car insurance from 1st Central, you must ensure that:

  • The information you provide is correct; the Road Traffic Acts state that it is an offence to make a false statement to obtain a Certificate of Motor Insurance.
  • You tell us immediately of any alteration to the details you have declared on the Statement of Fact (issued when buying your car insurance).
  • When asked, you tell us any facts that could influence an insurer when they are deciding about issuing an insurance policy. If you are in any doubt as to whether certain facts are relevant of not, please ask us. You can call our sales team on 0333 043 2085.

Failure to tell us these facts when requested to do so could invalidate all or part of your policy.

Assumptions we’ll make

There are a number of assumptions we’ll make when you get a quote and purchase your car insurance policy:

The vehicle

Is a standard UK model (not imported) and is registered in the UK

The drivers (applies to all named drivers and the policyholder)

  • Have never had their insurance declared void or cancelled by a previous insurer
  • Hold the appropriate licence to drive the vehicle insured.
  • Have never been convicted of or cautioned (or have prosecutions pending) for any non-motoring offences (except where these are considered spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act).
  • Have never been notified by or are subject to any investigation, legal proceedings or disputes, where any insurer has communicated that their actions in taking out an insurance policy or making a claim, has led to an allegation or act of fraud on their behalf, or that they were party to such an act.

Changes to your Policy, Renewals and Cancellations

  • We'll advise you within 14 days via email, of any revised premium and / or changes to the Terms and Conditions which may result from any changes you make to your policy
  • We may also seek to automatically renew your policy
  • Our fees for setting up your policy, processing amendments and cancellation, are shown below:

Fees for Car Insurance

If your policy started before 01/08/2024, your fees can be found in the Documents section of Your Account in the About Our Insurance Services (AOIS) document.

If your policy started on or after 01/08/2024, your fees can also be found below:

Arrangement fee £50
If you decide to cancel your policy before it starts or within 14 days of its start date, the £50 arrangement fee will be refunded.

Cancellation fee £10
If you cancel the policy for any reason other than non-disclosure or misrepresentation after 14 days of the policy start date, this fee is applied. Please note that any ancillary products purchased become non-refundable after 14 days and the full product cost is payable on cancellation.

Cancellation fee for non-disclosure and / or misrepresentation £50
If we cancel your policy due to non -disclosure and /or misrepresentation, this fee is applied.

Amendment fee from £25

  • If you make a change online through Your Account £25
  • If you make a change on the phone or web chat £30
  • If you have a 1st Central Online policy, click here to see your amendment fees

Amendment fee for non-disclosure and / or misrepresentation £50
If we amend your policy due to non-disclosure and /or misrepresentation, this fee is applied.

Monthly instalment defaults £15
If you default on your monthly payments, this fee is applied the next time we attempt to take your payment.

Annual Telematics fee £25

If you have a 1st Central Connect telematics policy, and you lose the sensor or require a new sensor following a change of vehicle, we can issue you with a replacement for a charge of £25.

Please note: In the event that any changes are made to your policy during the year, or your policy is cancelled, any amount owed as a result, including fees and charges if applicable, will be taken on the last payment details we have on record for you.

Fees for Home Insurance

Our fees and charges for making a change or for cancelling your policy are shown below:

Cancellation fees

  • Cancelling your policy before it starts, or within 14 days of its start date then there is no fee.
  • A £35 charge will be applied if you cancel after 14 days of the policy start date.
  • If we have to cancel your policy there will be a £35 charge applied, for more information click here.

Fees for making a change

  • A £25 fee will be applied if you phone up to make a change over the phone or if we have to make a change because you gave us incorrect information. 
  • We don’t charge an arrangement fee at new business or renewal.  
  • If you cancel your policy within 14 days of purchase, you'll only be charged for the cover provided to you. 
  • If you cancel your policy 14 days or more after purchase, you'll have to pay for your time on cover and cancellation fees. 

How we make money from our referral partners

We get paid by the companies we work with, but this agreement will never make a difference to how much you pay for their services.

  • CarFinance 247 pay 1st Central a flat fee for every referral that results in a finance agreement starting.

  • LifeSearch pay 1st Central a percentage of the commission they receive for every referral that results in a protection insurance policy sale.


Still need help?

Whether you’re an existing customer or you’re looking to take out a new policy with 1st Central, you can find lots of useful information on our Help & support page.